Its my best buddies ,twins and preeschool class mates , Praksah and Shobhas birthday.This poem is dedicated to them for ever.Many happy returns and God bless you.
We played as kids, walked, talked, studied
Since our nappy days to preschool and more.
Playing, studying were fun and so were our time,
What we were boding those days were never known,
Yet we bonded and years went past in a flash.
Years went by like jiffy, with laughing and crying,
Infatuations and friendship grew like new sprouts,
Fights and patch-up came and went through days.
Pony tails grew into braided threads of hair
Boys grown tall and girls turned shy,
We reached end of term to the class photo.
The class photo was remembrance to many,
Yet we parted ways with a smile and last looks,
Letters and emails were oblivious to many
Still familiar faces remained in hearts forever.
Twenty years went past us, yet the visage remain,
Familiarity, name, instinct tingled and reached,
We met again after long years of gap and years,
Yet we sparkled like never before, a face, a memory,
But what we gained stood unfathomed and astonished
But we remained class chum and friends for ever.