Sneezing, sore throat, a stuffy nose, coughing b everyone knows the symptoms of the common cold. It is probably the most common illness. Colds and flu are caused by viruses. There are flu virus with many different strains, so theybre hard to avoid.These viruses can be spread through droplets that are coughed and sneezed out by an infected person. The viruses can also be transferred on a personbs fingers. For example, if you have a cold and you touch your nose or eyes and then touch someone else, you may pass the virus on to them.
Sneeze with mouth nose covered or use a handkerchief not tissue, as tissue dust can irritate your cold more.
Wash hands and face as frequent as possible with luke warm water
Gargle with salted water
Starve the fever and feed the cold is matter of speaking, but fact.
Treat cold & flu with Garlic
With its powerful antioxidants, garlic is one of the best protective ingredient against cough and cold. If you feel a mild earache, it could be a result of congestion due to the cold. For cough and cold, take about 4-5 cloves of garlic, lightly crush and sautC) in a little ghee and consume. Alternatively, you may also juice four cloves of garlic, two tomatoes, and a lemon to make a delicious antibacterial and antiviral drink. Some people combine these same ingredients in a blender with pepper and turmeric added to prepare a tomato and garlic soup with a bunch of few leaves of Tulsi leaves .
Rasam as Medicine
There is an age old favorite medicine from my grandmotherbs ; Kurumulagu Rasam /Pepper Tasam. I doubt , of we can call it soup so I prefer to call them concoction medicine drink.

If you have a daring cold, stuffed and runny nose and want to kill everybody on your way, try this. After drinking two three sips of Rasam, magically your stuffed runny nose will open. However, this is not permanent solution; you need to drink more often, three times a day.
Black pepper is known to break the congestion. Cumin seeds are known to have antiseptic properties, so it is helpful in treating the throat irritations associated with cold . Coriander acts as an expectorant; Tamarind can help in reducing fever during cold. Jaggery is considered to be whole sugar as it contains both sucrose and glucose. It known prevents dry cough as well as cough with sputum.
Every mom in India has their own version of this rasam. Some will add some extra add on where as other wonbt add anything, but all of them will contain, pepper, coriander, red chili, cumin, tamarind, salt and touch of jaggery.
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The above mentioned is a typical medicinal version of Rasam, Now we make a side dish version of Rasam which is in a curry form.

Boil half cup Sambar dal (toor daal)

Crush together, 1 TBSP of pepper, 1 full pod garlic with skin, 4/5 red chilies, 1 TSP of Jeera, 1 TSP of Mustard s

Boil them in 2 TBSP of mastermind water, adding the crushed pepper chili jeera mixture.

Add the baby tomatobs or whole tomatobs cut into squares, boil them thoroughly

Add the coriander leaves and fry a thadukka (seasoning with chillbs)