Dassera is synonymous with Durga Puja and Navratri. In TamilNadu, we celebrate it as Golu where colourful clay figurines of Gods and Goddesses are arranged in steps for the nine days . The Gods gave way to mortals and soon we had Ram and Krishna with snake charmers and cobblers .
It is believed that Goddess Durga on her 10 day journey around the earth removes all evilb &b &. May Goddess Durga destroyall evil around you, within you and fill your & your loved oneb s lifewith happiness and prosperity.goats cows etc..b prathimab Golu or Kolu, doll arrangement, is an essential part of Navrathri and Dasara celebrations in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. In 2008, Navratri Kolu begins on September 30. The Bommai Golus are proud possessions of a family and they are handed down through generations. Apart from the traditional Navratri Bommai Kolu display, nowadays there is an emphasis on Golu themes with different ideas.
Majority of the Bommai Golu displayed in homes opt for the traditional method of display. Kolu b the royal court of Goddess Durga is created 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11 steps. The most important dolls in the kolu arrangement are the Raja-rani or the marapaachi bommais. These are expensive dolls and a set of them is found in all traditional households. Another important idol is that of Goddess Saraswati. A Kalash is also placed along with the Golu.
How to Create
Stories from Hindu Mythology continue to be the favorite theme during Navarathri Golu. Community Golu and displays by organizations also opt for various other themes b current issues, social message or something related with their field of activity. With kolu sets with different themes readily available in market, many people also opt for it in their homes. Each year various companies come out with different Kolu sets mostly related to Hindu mythology.
Some young men and women prefer to be creative and opt for something unique.
Create a unique Navarathri Bommai Golu:
First decide on a theme or select a story from mythology.Draw a sketch of the Golu theme in paper or create one in Computer.Mark all the dolls, back grounds and props needed.It would be wise to hunt for dolls after deciding on a theme or story.While selecting a theme make sure that it does not exceed the budget.Also make sure that the dolls are available in the market or you can create it in a short period.Depending upon your theme, you will also need backgrounds and other props like forest, trees, ashrams, animals etc.Know Your Limitations.A simple and well-defined Bommai Kolu will be more attractive than a crowded Kolu, which does not convey any idea.Donb t jump into creating a Bommai Kolu by being impressed by a professional Kolu arrangement or one done by a person with artistic sense.Some of the Golu arrangements that might have impressed you are the product of years of practice and the dolls might be part of traditional collection.Therefore know your limitations in creating props and backgrounds before deciding on a theme.
Here in muscat too i have some very b dear friendsb who clebrated with the each step with total dedication though they were away from home.Vidya and Shobhas b kulub was as informative to me as it was in waching the pooja in inaia.